Blackbox and WebAPI solutions

Harness the power of our algorithms by using one of our scheduling engine products. Write your own interface for our networked or stand-alone scheduling systems and let our software manage the processing and scheduling.

Route Optimiser WebAPI

A cloud-based scheduling service offered as a "blind engine" enabling external applications to send and receive data via a direct XML interface.

The system is built on the award winning Route Optimiser service allowing users to communicate directly with the software without the need for a graphical user interface.

Using Route Optimiser WebAPI is a process based on RESTful API calls. The majority of the processes have three simple steps.

  • Step One: Call the authentifications function with valid login credentials
  • Step Two: Call the required function with valid parameters
  • Step Three: Call the response page to see the results, in some cases a response may be given on step two.
Each step is a HTTP URL call with a query string containing the required parameters. An XML response is given on each step to confirm the process.

Integrate our best-of-breed technology

The Blackbox Integration Engine is designed to allow other systems to benefit from the power of the vehicle scheduling algorithm without the necessity of having a full system.

The Blackbox provides an optimising and vehicle scheduling capability to other applications. It does this by 'importing' data from an 'order pool' in an ERP system, optimising resources, then 'exporting' this data back to the ERP system to drive other business processes such as invoicing, CRM systems, warehouse management systems, in-cab GPS devices etc..

The system is not only powerful but also flexible and there are a range of vehicle scheduling options which may be used by more advanced users.

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